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  • December 31st: New Year, Same You!
  • December 24, 2023. Christmas Eve Morning Service. Rev. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC.
  • December 24, 2023. The Manger. Christmas Eve at Anona. Anona UMC.
  • December 17, 2023. From Nazareth to Bethlehem. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.
    • 12/19/23

    December 17, 2023. From Nazareth to Bethlehem. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.

    This week Mary and Joseph journey to their final destination, Bethlehem. By now, we realize it has always been about the journey. That is how God works with us…how faith works in us…how we grow. Is it really their final destination, or does the journey continue? I think you know the answer.

    Scripture: Luke 2:1-7

  • August 20, 2023. God Speaks - Sing Your Story. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC
  • December 10, 2023. Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC.
    • 12/10/23

    December 10, 2023. Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC.

    Who do you turn to when the unexpected happens and you have no idea what to do next? For Mary in the Advent narrative, that person was her cousin, Elizabeth. Mary and Elizabeth’s relationship reminds us of the importance of supportive community during times of trial. Join us on Sunday as we dive deeper into the story of friendship between these two strong and brave women. Whether your holiday season is filled with celebrations, stress, joy, grief, or a mix of it all, we hope you find yourself surrounded by the Elizabeth’s in your life.

  • December 3, 2023. Go, Go, Go Joseph! Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.
    • 12/3/23

    December 3, 2023. Go, Go, Go Joseph! Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.

    When we think of the Christmas story what comes to mind first? The mother Mary? The Angels? Shepherds and Wisemen? Baby Jesus? What often does not come to our minds first is Joseph. Scripture does not say very much about this mysterious man, but he does play a very important role in the Christmas story. Today we’re going to look closer at this humble carpenter from Bethlehem, and how we can learn from him about the importance of Emmanuel, especially as we experience challenging times throughout our life.

    Scripture: Matthew 1: 18-24

  • November 26, 2023. Mary of Nazareth. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.
    • 11/26/23

    November 26, 2023. Mary of Nazareth. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.

    This would be a great Sunday to invite your educated friend who thinks he/she is too educated to believe.  Or… your fundamentalist friend who doesn’t believe in science.  The two are and have always been intertwined (science and religion).  It’s communion Sunday as well, so we will take our inspiration and insight into the Holy.  No arguing.  I’m tired of that anyway.  Let’s laugh, have fun in church, and see that our God is bigger.

    Scripture: John 1:1-5

  • November 19, 2023. Thanksgiving Sunday. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC.
    • 11/19/23

    November 19, 2023. Thanksgiving Sunday. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC.

    Happy Thanksgiving Sunday! This Thursday, people across the country will pause to be present to the gifts in their own lives. To me, that is a huge part of what it means to be thankful- to be present; to acknowledge the beauty and holiness in the everyday moments all around us. Let's talk today about opening up our hearts to practice this kind of presence throughout the year.

    Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

  • November 12, 2023. A Sincere Faith. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC
    • 11/12/23

    November 12, 2023. A Sincere Faith. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC

    When Paul thinks of his student Timothy, he is reminded of Timothy’s “sincere faith.”  How would you describe your faith today? Would the word “sincere” come to mind? How does your faith and faith walk compare to earlier in your life…”the hour you first believed?” Today is stewardship Sunday, and we are talking about a faith that remains sincere.

    Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:3-7

  • November 5, 2023. Science and Religion. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC.
    • 11/5/23

    November 5, 2023. Science and Religion. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC.

    This would be a great Sunday to invite your educated friend who thinks he/she is too educated to believe.  Or… your fundamentalist friend who doesn’t believe in science.  The two are and have always been intertwined (science and religion).  It’s communion Sunday as well, so we will take our inspiration and insight into the Holy.  No arguing.  I’m tired of that anyway.  Let’s laugh, have fun in church, and see that our God is bigger.

    Scripture: John 1:1-5

  • October 29, 2023. Be Not Afraid. Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.
    • 10/29/23

    October 29, 2023. Be Not Afraid. Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.

    I love a good scare. Whether it's watching an old classic horror movie, or a halloween-themed spookhouse, or attempting to ride the latest thrill rollercoaster it can be fun to have a good scare once in awhile (at least for some people). This Halloween weekend we'll be talking about a different kind of fear: the kind that keeps you up at night, worried about what's to come, the kind of fear that doesn't go away when the movie or ride is over. Scripture tells us to be not afraid, but how can we get there when we find ourselves in the presence of whatever frightens us the most?

    Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-4

  • October 22, 2023. No Ifs, Ands, or Buts. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.
  • October 15, 2023. What If?. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC
    • 10/15/23

    October 15, 2023. What If?. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC

    “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”  What if there IS a God?  What if that God LOVES me?  What if that God HEARS me?  What if I lived as if I believed that?  If God… then everything changes.  The personal, loving, involved God wanting good for you should matter to your sanity, your wellbeing, your everyday living.  Or, to say it in a Haiku,

    In this fragile life

    In need of God

    The Holy Awaits

    Scripture: Genesis 50:20  

    Dr. Jack Stephenson

  • October 8, 2023. As If. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC
    • 10/8/23

    October 8, 2023. As If. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC

    When we think about the future, what comes to mind? Are we overcome with fear and dread of all the disasters that could potentially strike? Are we gazing into a "happily ever after" narrative with rose-colored glasses? Or, are we somewhere in between? Today we will take a look at one of the most powerful players in our personal journeys: our minds. Let's examine the way we think- about ourselves, our world, and our future.

    Scripture: Romans 8:5-6,14-18

    Casey McKinney

  • October 1, 2023. Rev. Richard Landon. If Only. Anona UMC.
    • 10/1/23

    October 1, 2023. Rev. Richard Landon. If Only. Anona UMC.

    Our lives can be filled with regrets. We can all look back at our past and notice opportunities missed, wrong words spoken, hurtful actions taken. Those moments can take us captive or we can discover grace and leave that part of our past in the past.

    Scripture: Romans 8:1-4
    Rev. Richard Landon

  • September 24, 2023. God works for good; Providence . Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC
    • 9/24/23

    September 24, 2023. God works for good; Providence . Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC

    Scripture: Genesis 50:19-20, Psalm 71:5, Romans 8:28
    What does it mean to trust in God’s Providence? Let’s explore that from three directions biblically. (An Old Testament, New Testament and a Psalm. How classic of me.) Do we know what is good for us? Is God in control completely, or do we have agency (a big word)? Are we in control? Do we have capacity to influence our own thoughts and behavior or are we simply reactive? What does it take to give it all to God? If those questions interest you, this Sunday should be interesting as well.

  • September 10, 2023. Remember. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC
  • July 16, 2023. "...". Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC
    • 9/6/23

    July 16, 2023. "...". Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC

    For those people who might text with an iPhone, you are probably familiar with seeing "…" (three dots with no quotes) from time to time. For our Android brethren, that symbol usually means that the person you're texting may be writing a response back to you. Problem is you don't really know for sure (and for how long you might wait to get their response). For me that sounds a lot like unanswered prayer.

    This Sunday we're going to talk about Hannah, and the challenge of unanswered prayer. How does Hannah deal with the situation? What can we learn from her story? How does that apply to our own experiences with unanswered prayer?

    Scripture: 1 Samuel 1: 1-20

  • July 23, 2023. When Life Falls Apart. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC
    • 9/6/23

    July 23, 2023. When Life Falls Apart. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC

    We all experience moments when life falls apart. This week we turn to the Book of Ruth and discover not only Ruth’s story, but the story of Naomi, her mother-in-law. Their story is a story of tragedy and loss. Thankfully, it is also a story of hope and promise…for when life falls apart.

    Scripture: Ruth 4:13-17

  • July 30, 2023. The Strength of a Persevering Woman. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC
    • 9/6/23

    July 30, 2023. The Strength of a Persevering Woman. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC

    Today we read the story of a woman who, after waiting 12 long years for relief, finally received miraculous healing after coming into contact with Jesus. While we get to see the, seemingly, "happy ending" of her story here, I find myself wondering- what about the 12 years that led up to this? Her story, and God's presence in it, is actually more than only this moment. Her story is an inspiration to us all to hold on and endure- through even the hardest times.

    Scripture: Mark 5:25-34

  • August 13, 2023. Martha's Hope. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC
    • 9/6/23

    August 13, 2023. Martha's Hope. Dr. Jack Stephenson. Anona UMC

    In anticipation of the Cross and Resurrection is the story of the death of Lazarus. Jesus waits when He hears Lazarus is sick, and even when Lazarus dies. Martha, Lazarus’ sisters are mad at Jesus and blame him for the death. When Jesus brings him back to life the story gets to the High Priest and is the beginning of his seeking Jesus’ death. So many people mad at Jesus. Jesus is frustrated because he is there to teach them about a “better blessing” than healing (or even being raised back into this flawed world).

    When God says “No”, what does that do to us. The scriptures say “Ask, and it shall be given unto you.” Let’s look at this story and the scripture about the New Heaven and New Earth in the face of our handling the pain of this world.

    Scripture: Revelation 21:4

  • September 3, 2023. To Truly Welcome All: The Practice of Hospitality. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC
    • 9/6/23

    September 3, 2023. To Truly Welcome All: The Practice of Hospitality. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC

    Scripture: Genesis 18:1-15

    In church, we often hear phrases like, "Everyone is welcome!" or "Invite your friends!" "Our doors are open!" Before these quippy taglines were found on banners and marquees, the heart behind them existed deep in the story of Israel. Join us this morning as we explore how the principle of hospitality has been an integral part of the culture of the people of God from the beginning- and how it is our invitation to step into that anew, today.

  • August 27, 2023. United...In What? Casey McKinney. Anona UMC
    • 8/28/23

    August 27, 2023. United...In What? Casey McKinney. Anona UMC

    Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9

    At first glance, the story of the Tower of Babel is a bit confusing. A group of people all came together to build a really tall tower...what could be so bad about that? But God thwarted their plans and scattered the people, ensuring no such thing would come to fruition. This morning, we'll take a look at what lied beneath the surface of the people's master plan and find that, sometimes, being united can be dangerous. The question is- what are we united in?