
December 3, 2023. Go, Go, Go Joseph! Rev. Jeremy Herrington. Anona UMC.

When we think of the Christmas story what comes to mind first? The mother Mary? The Angels? Shepherds and Wisemen? Baby Jesus? What often does not come to our minds first is Joseph. Scripture does not say very much about this mysterious man, but he does play a very important role in the Christmas story. Today we’re going to look closer at this humble carpenter from Bethlehem, and how we can learn from him about the importance of Emmanuel, especially as we experience challenging times throughout our life.

Scripture: Matthew 1: 18-24


December 10, 2023. Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth. Casey McKinney. Anona UMC.


November 26, 2023. Mary of Nazareth. Rev. Richard Landon. Anona UMC.