Anona Visitation Ministry-A visitation Ministry to reach those unable to attend their Church ‘in person’.

CUBA-We support three Churches including Cardenas and their Pastors. Send medications and hard to find items for children and seniors.

DEI-Diversity, Equity and Inclusion-We strive to learn more and appreciate our differences as we continue the path towards “the beloved community’. Moving to a time everyone is seen the way God sees us…’perfectly and wonderfully made’. Offering growth through classes and serving in areas of diversity.

Fresh Start-Working along side men and women to keep them accountable as they go through their court ordered program as an alternative to prison time.

PAAHC -Pinellas African American Heritage celebration-we are a sponsor and provide volunteers to work with the children’s area.

Quessua Mission, East Angola-We help with Missionary support and send items from our Sew for kids mission.

Senior connections-Supporting our seniors in the community with partnerships at assisted living facilities, and collection drives for items needed.

The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
— Matthew 25:40
